
How Domino’s Pizza Became the Mobile Brand of the Decade

Technology innovation has helped turn the pizza giant into a digital powerhouse.

There’s no denying the effect that mobile, in particular its evolution into an omnipresent tool for utility, has had on businesses. Mobile has fast-become our go-to device that we rely on for information, entertainment, assistance, and so much more.

Because of this, brands have quickly absorbed mobile into their digital strategies. If executed correctly, a mobile strategy provides multiple business benefits. Being in front of customers on a device they use on a daily basis results in stronger brand awareness and improves customer loyalty. From a numbers perspective, having a clear mobile strategy can increase revenue and reduce costs.

For Domino’s Pizza, the journey toward digital transformation began in 2012. Prior to this, the business was underutilising mobile and their digital channels weren’t delivering results. They identified that providing their customers with an improved, multichannel experience would improve loyalty and revenue. Future Platforms was chosen to provide the digital solution, and has been working with Domino’s ever since.

The outcome of this partnership transcends beyond the creation of a successful mobile app. The company’s online orders have improved by 44.5 percent, operational efficiency is up, and, most importantly, consumers are benefiting as well.

Future Platforms and Domino's Pizza celebrating the award winFuture Platforms and Domino's Pizza celebrating the award win

This impressive achievement was acknowledged on the tenth anniversary of the 2019 Effective Mobile Marketing Awards (EMMAs), with the company winning Mobile Marketing Brand of the Decade.

It has always been Future Platforms’ goal to create solutions that position Domino’s as a digital leader in the quick-service delivery market. Now, this goal has been achieved and recognised by experts in the field, and was singled out among a range of other great brands.

Future Platforms is thrilled that this partnership, which spans over a decade, has garnered such a positive reception on the very special, tenth anniversary EMMAs.

As well as winning Mobile Marketing Brand of the Decade, Future Platforms and Domino’s received Highly Commended for Most Effective Mobile Marketing Campaign of the Decade.

In today’s digital-first world, remaining innovative is not only a result of Future Platforms’ passion for new ideas, but also a requirement in the face of fierce competition. These achievements at the EMMAs prove that this partnership continues to push the boundaries in digital innovation.

Developing an Industry-Leading Mobile Brand

Fast food restaurants experienced rapid change in the industry as online food platforms started to capture their market. Domino’s was forced to compete in an increasingly digital space but, thankfully, the pizza giant did not shy away from innovation.

Recognising a gap in its offering, Domino’s enlisted the help of Future Platforms to completely overhaul its iPhone and Android apps, as well as to develop digital solutions across all of its major platforms. The business grew from being a primarily phone-based delivery business to an mCommerce market leader.

Since then, Domino’s has continued on its path to innovation. Its online and mobile ordering sites, and its revolutionary pizza and driver tracker, lay the foundations for the brand’s digital growth.

Domino’s has since launched digital billboards – displaying real-time comments from customers – set up self-driving robot delivery services, and used drones to deliver pizza, among more.

Domino’s partnership with Future Platforms has aligned its digital experiences across all of its platforms and has now catapulted the business into an industry-leading digital brand, as recognised by its win at the EMMAs.

Delivering Results

As well as finding innovative ways to deliver food, Domino’s also discovered a new revenue stream. Since the launch of its mobile solution, the business has turned over £450 million per year, in mobile sales alone.

These impressive results have been driven by the company’s commitment to improving the customer’s experience. Future Platforms recognises that innovation must be driven by purpose, and in this case, it was driven by the need to provide consumers with more transparency and control over their food order. Now, the results speak for themselves.

Future Platforms is proud to be part of a winning partnership with Domino’s Pizza. To read more about how Domino’s became a business that won Mobile Marketing Brand of the Decade, and received a Highly Commended for Most Effective Mobile Marketing Campaign of the Decade, along with Future Platforms, read more about our digital strategy solution.

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