Domino's Pizza

Driving operational efficiency and productivity for Domino’s Pizza

An all-in-one bespoke custom navigation app and management dashboard solution.


Domino's Pizza


Awards & recognitions

  • Mobile Brand of the Decade – EMMAs
  • Most Effective App – The Drum Mobile Awards
  • Best Mobile/Tablet B2B App – MOMAs
  • Most Effective B2B App – EMMAs

Who is Domino's Pizza?

Domino’s Pizza is a global, industry-leading pizza business that probably doesn’t need much of an introduction.

In the UK alone, the business can sell upwards of 500,000 pizzas in a single day. That’s a lot of dough! The pizza giant needed digital solutions that would allow it to address the number of requests coming in, not only from its hungry customers but also for its staff.


Future Platforms has been Domino's Pizza's strategic digital partner for over a decade.

In this time, Future Platforms has created digital that transform experiences for staff, store managers, and customers.

Prior to this solution, Domino's Pizza had a big problem: once a pizza was made and collected by a driver, there was no visibility between pizza pick-up and drop off. Store managers had no way of knowing whether a pizza was delivered on time, how long it took to deliver a pizza, and if the driver was taking the most optimised route.

Future Platforms was asked to create a bespoke solution that would address this operational challenge.

Case Study - Dominos - Drivers (1)Case Study - Dominos - Drivers (1)


Future Platforms assigned a dedicated Domino’s Pizza Driver Project team that involves project managers, strategists, mobile app developers, backend developers, UX/UI designers, and QAs.

The team worked on setting goals and devising plans on how to reach them. User personas were created to address each individual's specific needs from the solution and the team held workshops with several members of staff, including managers and franchisees, to incorporate their challenges into the solution. The goals were then outlined and solutions created:

Goal 1: Making Drivers more efficient and more productive

Drivers often get stuck in traffic or lost during deliveries and use their own devices for navigation. To make this process safer, Future Platforms custom-designed a hands-free app for all drivers. It provides real-time navigation, current delivery details, and the ability to communicate with stores and customers.

Managers can digitally assign orders to the most suitable driver based on location and time. By providing the most efficient navigation route, monitoring behaviour, and giving drivers a hands-free solution, savings are also made in both fuel costs and insurance premiums.

Goal 2: Business-wide operational improvements

Domino’s Pizza stores are hectic places that process hundreds of orders an hour at peak times. While a tried-and-tested supply chain and preparation method enables stores to manage this demand, many franchisees had expressed a desire for better digital assistance in managing stores and staff.

To accompany the drivers’ app, Future Platforms designed and engineered an in-store dashboard that lets owners/franchisees manage timesheets, driver status, and rotas. It allows managers to make order assignments based on the current location of each driver, reducing downtime between deliveries and maximising efficiency.

By digitising this information, the dashboard can also generate standardised business-wide datasets, allowing managers, franchisees, and Domino’s Pizza HQ to monitor performance, progress, and regional/national trends.

Goal 3: Completing the pizza-tracking cycle

The final objective of the project was to fill a gap in the customer cycle, and is a direct byproduct of driver tracking. The pizza tracker is a customer favourite and a real brand differentiator; providing updates on prep, baking, quality control, and when orders are out for delivery. However, while the in-store stages reflect the real status of orders, the final phase is a loose estimate based on a fixed calculation.

Hungry customers become frustrated when they don’t know if “out for delivery” means their pizza is 30 seconds or 30 minutes away. By tracking drivers with GPS, the customer-facing app gains the benefit of being able to provide real-time delivery information, increasing confidence and satisfaction.


Domino’s Pizza's network of 1,100+ stores across the UK and ROI are all using the app, which is helping to deliver a £6.5m cost saving each year by making significant improvements to operations, efficiency, and productivity.

Deliveries are now better organised, with orders timed to be ready just as the next driver returns, keeping them moving without breaking stride. When coupled with hands-free GPS that calculates the most efficient route, more orders are being delivered per hour. Tracking helps managers better mitigate against revenue loss from drivers taking their own breaks or being unproductive, and rewarding others for high performance.

The centralised system lets stores operate with smoothness, providing a clear overview of orders, staff availability, delivery status, and more. Over time these factors will enable greater progress, particularly once the digital tools provide more datasets against which to measure performance and make changes.

Drivers are saving fuel by taking more efficient routes, and though a minimal saving in isolation, adds up quickly for an organisation of this size. By monitoring habits like excessive speed and the harshness of braking, and working to discourage them, Domino’s Pizza is able to reduce insurance premiums by providing telematic data. Safe driving further impacts fuel costs, makes the brand more responsible, and keeps road users safer.

HQ can now accurately monitor and improve performance across its entire network and highlight key data trends. With every store generating the same metrics, performance is better compared across areas, regions, and nationwide. Customers have a real-time understanding of when they can expect their pizza, and even in the event of a network issue or in stores that aren’t yet using GPS tracking, delivery estimates are based on real data rather than historic estimates.

"On labour efficiency, our investment in GPS has been a major benefit for franchisees. Many of them have achieved cost efficiencies of greater than 0.5% of store revenue, net of the cost of deployment. Over time we expect this to lead to sales benefits and other cost savings, such as insurance.”David WildFormer CEO, Domino's Pizza

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