
Watch: Digital products that stick

How to design digital products and services that promote long-term use, brand loyalty and commercial gain

Products that stick - main

Reading time

1 hour

We explore

  • The science of habits
  • How to build digital habits
  • Common challenges

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At the core of repeated product use is the formation of a habit that causes us to reach for something with no external trigger or conscious thought. However, the vast majority of brands fail to utilise this opportunity when it comes to their digital products.

We spoke to digital leaders, from Domino’s Pizza to Sky, about how brands can create a sustained need in users to make their products stick long-term. We unpacked user needs to design products that promote ongoing use, increase retention, and deliver lasting business value.


Rod Brooks, Previous Group Head of Architecture, Domino's Pizza

Roxanne Nejad, VP Marketing, Cleo

Matt Harris, Director of Digital Product, Sky

Remy Brooks, Head of Strategy, Future Platforms

Samuel Salzer, Behavioral Strategist, Author & Keynote Speaker

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