
The Top Benefits of Custom Web Design

This article lists the top benefits brands can achieve through custom web design, as well as our own best practices.

The Top Benefits of Custom Web Design: Elevating Your Brand With Tailored Digital Solutions

Many brands around the world are currently going through a period of unprecedented digital transformation. By migrating some or all of their services and goods online, these businesses can thereby expand their reach, tap into new markets, and better respond to the needs of their customers.

However, achieving all this depends upon delivering web users a seamless online experience. The quality of the interaction that users will have with your brand depends wholeheartedly on the web design behind your online site or platform.

Now, there are some cases where a one-size-fits-all approach to web design can be acceptable. But in others, custom web development is the best method of crafting a tailored online experience that best embodies your brand while making life easier for users.

This article aims to unpack some of the key benefits of embracing custom web design, and explain how Future Platforms can help you with the development itself. Read on to learn more.

8 Benefits of Embracing Custom Web Development

So, what are some of the main benefits that custom web design can confer to enterprises that adopt it? Let’s break it down:

Brand Differentiation

The first benefit to mention is that a custom web design can help your organisation stand out from your competitors.

Obviously, any successful brand out there will already boast a distinct visual identity: with personalised preferences in terms of colour schemes, font choices, logos, and other audio or visual cues. A custom web design will merely apply these same design principles to your website/platform.

In doing so, you can ensure that your brand remains unique to online users; ensuring that they will stay on your website for longer, are more likely to become conversions, and will boast a more positive emotional connection to your brand.

Cost and ROI

Although custom websites can initially seem more expensive than pre-built templates, they can pay dividends in the long term. This is because custom-made websites are less dependent on external plugins from third parties, which reduces costs over time.

Furthermore, the increased efficiency that a custom development can provide can also help reduce maintenance and administration costs — meaning more savings for your brand.

Heightened Security

With more and more users flocking to web services to consume content, purchase products, and interact in online communities, web safety and security have never been a bigger concern. Meanwhile, cybercrime is on the rise, with some estimates predicting that hackers, scammers, and malware will cost global businesses over $10 trillion by 2025.

On the other hand, custom-designing your site or platform allows you to add extra layers of protection against potential vulnerabilities and guard your data and the private information of users. This will, in turn, help you avoid costly security breaches, and improve your reputation with the general public, who will rest assured that you’re taking care of their data.

Scalability and Adaptability

Another key advantage of a custom web design is its inherent adaptability. Creating a custom application or site from scratch means that your enterprise is uniquely positioned to make quick and easy changes when needed.

Thus, your business can add new functionalities over time, such as integration and customisations with other platforms, like social networks or ecommerce stores. Custom web development also allows your site to better accommodate increased traffic, products, or features — without compromising performance or load times.

Improved UX

Custom web development also means that you’ll be able to create a website that’s specifically personalised to meet the needs of your target audience/consumers.

After undertaking research to understand their wants, needs, and bugbears, you’ll then be able to respond by tailoring your development to suit their preferences. This, in turn, will mean that your site or platform will be far more engaging to users than a more generic design ever would be.

Mobile Optimisation

Recent research from Statista shows that mobile users now account for approximately 50% of all online activity worldwide. This means that it is more important than ever for web designers to accommodate the preferences of mobile users.

Unfortunately, template web designs are less likely to be optimised for mobile browsing; which can turn off a significant proportion of your target users. On the other hand, a custom web design can ensure that your site provides a consistent and appealing look for desktops, smartphones, and tablets, without compromising on load times and performance.

More Effective SEO

Search engine optimisation (or SEO) has also emerged as an increasingly important arena for businesses that want to resonate with internet users. However, it’s much easier for a custom-built website to rank on search engines, thanks to better-quality coding, and features such as tags and meta descriptions. This, in turn, ensures that your site is more visible, and will thus attract more visitors.

Code Ownership

Finally, a custom designed website grants its owner full ownership and control over your code and data — meaning that your enterprise isn’t dependent on third-party platforms to operate. For example, if an all-important plugin becomes incompatible with your site, engineers and developers will be more easily able to integrate a new solution to a custom-built site than they will with a template.

So, for those brands looking to create their own custom-made website, where is the best place to start? You could attempt to develop your site in-house, but this is incumbent on your business having the necessary skills and experience in web design to create something effective.

On the other hand, you could outsource the work to a third-party, or seek support and advice from digital experts: like Future Platforms.

Future Platforms: Your Partner for Bespoke Websites

At Future Platforms, we already have extensive experience helping brands create personalised websites that offer tailored solutions for the business and their target users. We’ll work with you to understand your needs, restrictions, and budget; and can help you create a site that will truly engage with your prospects.

So, if you'd like to learn more about how Future Platforms then please contact our team right now.

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